Mission:Dignity recipients in Mississippi to receive 13th Check in 2023



Mission:Dignity® recipients in Mississippi will receive an extra check — a 13th check — in 2023, thanks to a fund established by the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board at the Mississippi Baptist Foundation.

This marks the second consecutive year that Mississippi Baptists have honored pastors in their state with this honorarium.

“Mississippi Baptists are glad to honor these lifelong servants with an added blessing in the 13th check,” said V. Shawn Parker, executive director of the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board. “This gift represents the love and respect we have for every Mission:Dignity recipient. We’re thankful to GuideStone for the emphasis given to this ministry and pray for God’s continued favor on it.”

In 2022, Mission:Dignity assisted more than 2,800 individuals with extra money needed for housing, food and vital medications. It also ensures a well-deserved dignity, independence and, often, the ability to continue serving the Lord. Last year, 119 pastors and their wives, or their widows, in Mississippi were served through Mission:Dignity

GuideStone President Hance Dilbeck expressed his thanks for the continued generosity of Mississippi Baptists.

“On behalf of Mission:Dignity recipients in Mississippi, we give thanks for the pastors and churches in Mississippi and for Shawn Parker’s leadership,” Dilbeck said. “As one of our trustees, Shawn sees first-hand the impact Mission:Dignity has on retired ministers, denominational workers and their widows. Providing financial relief and resilience to our pastors is the heartbeat of GuideStone, and I am thankful Southern Baptists continue to catch that vision daily.”

Mission:Dignity expressed its thankfulness for the efforts of Mississippi churches.

“No retired minister, denominational worker or their widow should face economic uncertainty; they truly deserve a double honor for their service to our Lord and our convention of churches,” Mission:Dignity Director Aaron Meraz said. “We are so thankful for the work of Mississippi Baptists who serve so well in the Magnolia State.”

For more information on the 13th Check Fund at the Mississippi Baptist Foundation, please visit MSBaptistFoundation.org. For more information on Mission:Dignity, to give, to apply for assistance or to refer someone in need, visit MissionDignity.org.



Roy Hayhurst is the director of denominational and public relations at GuideStone.

Media Contact
Roy Hayhurst
Director of Denominational and Public Relations
GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention
Roy.Hayhurst@GuideStone.org | (214) 720-2141