Alabama Mission:Dignity® recipients again receive 13th and 14th checks thanks to efforts of the Alabama State Board of Missions



Mission:Dignity® recipients in Alabama received an extra blessing to start the year thanks to the Alabama State Board of Missions.

For the third year in a row, recipients received this “13th Check” due to state convention efforts. And, for the second year in a row, a 14th check was also sent.

“These gifts from our friends in Alabama ensure that our recipients in their state will have an extra blessing to look forward to,” said Mission:Dignity director Aaron Meraz. “We give thanks on behalf of the pastors, ministers, and their widows who are cared for through Mission:Dignity.”

Last year, 20 state conventions and/or foundations provided extra benefits like the 13th check to Mission:Dignity recipients.

“Alabama Baptists are so glad to offer a thirteenth and fourteenth check for Mission:Dignity recipients,” said Rick Lance, executive director of the Alabama State Board of Missions. “We want to express our gratitude to the faithful ones who have gone before us. This is but one tangible way we can show this much-deserved appreciation for their sacrificial service throughout the years.”

GuideStone® President Hance Dilbeck offered his thanks on behalf of Mission:Dignity’s recipients.

“Rick Lance, like so many, has caught the vision for Mission:Dignity recipients and his work, alongside other Alabama Baptist leaders, ensures that Mission:Dignity recipients there can have these extra benefit checks as they live out their declining years,” said GuideStone President Hance Dilbeck. “We offer our sincere thanks to the Alabama State Board of Missions for this endeavor.”

To learn more about Mission:Dignity, to donate, to apply for assistance or to refer someone in need, visit


Roy Hayhurst is the executive communications director for GuideStone

Media Contact
Roy Hayhurst, Director of Enterprise Communications­
GuideStone | (214) 720-2141