Mission:Dignity® recipients in Arizona again blessed with 13th checks thanks to efforts of the Arizona Southern Baptists



Mission:Dignity® recipients in Arizona received an extra blessing to start the year thanks to the efforts of the Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists.

For the second year in a row, recipients received this “13th Check” due to state convention efforts. The benefit is made available to every Mission:Dignity recipient in the Grand Canyon state.

“These gifts from our friends among Arizona Baptists ensure that our recipients will have an extra blessing to look forward to during a time of economic volatility,” said Mission:Dignity director Aaron Meraz. “I’m thankful for David Johnson and the way he and his state leadership have caught the vision for honoring God’s retired servants.”

Last year, 20 state conventions and/or foundations provided extra benefits like the 13th check to Mission:Dignity recipients.

“We are so glad to be able to partner with GuideStone for this gift for our Mission:Dignity participants in Arizona,” said David Johnson, executive director of the Arizona Mission Network of Southern Baptists. “The response we have received from the recipients in the past has been so moving and meaningful; we did not think twice about doing it again. We are grateful for this great ministry and the opportunity GuideStone gives us to have a small part in it!”

GuideStone® President Hance Dilbeck offered his thanks on behalf of Mission:Dignity’s recipients.

“What a tremendous blessing it is for our recipients to receive this gift of an extra monthly benefit check,” Dilbeck said. “We cannot give thanks to the Lord enough for all he is doing through his people, including our brothers and sisters in Arizona.”

To learn more about Mission:Dignity, to donate, to apply for assistance or to refer someone in need, visit MissionDignity.org.


Roy Hayhurst is the executive communications director for GuideStone

Media Contact
Roy Hayhurst, Director of Enterprise Communications­
Roy.Hayhurst@GuideStone.org | (214) 720-2141