Mission:Dignity® recipients in Pennsylvania-South Jersey again blessed with 13th checks thanks to efforts of the Baptist Resource Network



Mission:Dignity® recipients in Pennsylvania-South Jersey will receive an extra blessing thanks to the efforts of the Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania-South Jersey.

For the second year in a row, recipients will receive this “13th Check” due to state convention efforts. The benefit is made available to every Mission:Dignity recipient living within the borders of the state convention.

“These gifts from our friends at the Baptist Resource Network ensure that our recipients in Pennsylvania-South Jersey will have an extra blessing to look forward to,” said Mission:Dignity director Aaron Meraz. “I’m thankful that large and small state conventions, with many Mission:Dignity recipients, or just a few, have captured this vision to care for these pastors and widows in their declining years.”

Last year, 20 state conventions and/or foundations provided extra benefits like the 13th check to Mission:Dignity recipients.

“We thank the Lord for the vision of sending a 13th check to those who have faithfully served within the Kingdom of God in the Baptist Resource Network of PA/SJ and beyond,” Barry Whitworth, executive director of Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/South Jersey, said. “We pray this gesture will bring the honor and dignity these wonderful servants of God deserve. We believe this ministry is critical in supporting and affirming those who have given their lives to serve our King, Jesus. Our state convention is extremely honored to not only participate with Mission:Dignity in this initiative but to know, in some small way, this extra check will bring joy to the hearts of those who receive it.”

GuideStone® President Hance Dilbeck offered his thanks on behalf of Mission:Dignity’s recipients.

“Every week, we receive heartfelt notes from Mission:Dignity’s recipients who tell us what a joy it is to receive the monthly support they receive,” Dilbeck said. “When this extra check they did not expect comes, it provides one more tangible reminder that they are not forgotten, their service mattered and continues to matter, and they are loved by the convention of churches they faithfully served.

To learn more about Mission:Dignity, to donate, to apply for assistance or to refer someone in need, visit MissionDignity.org.


Roy Hayhurst is the executive communications director for GuideStone

Media Contact
Roy Hayhurst, Director of Enterprise Communications­
Roy.Hayhurst@GuideStone.org | (214) 720-2141