The GuideStone Wellness Challenge: Body, Mind and Spirit


GuideStone® believes when the body of Christ is healthy, it’s free to transform the world — and we want to help guide and equip you to do just that. Therefore, we have challenged our employees to focus on a balanced approach to wellness that includes body, mind and spirit and invite you to join us.

The Challenge

Build healthy habits by focusing on specific goals that promote your physical, mental and spiritual health. This four-week wellness challenge is designed to help you improve in the areas most important to you, so don’t be afraid to do a healthy activity on a day it’s not listed. Print the challenge out and keep it by your desk or save it on your computer and keep track of your progress by marking the checkboxes. Are you ready?

Why “Body, Mind and Spirit”?


People of all ages can improve their overall health and well-being by becoming physically active. Unfortunately, conditions such as heart disease and diabetes, which can largely be prevented or controlled by conscious habits and choices, account for a significant portion of Americans’ prescription drug and health care costs each year.1

Regular physical activity has been shown to:

  • Help control weight
  • Contribute to healthy bones, muscles and joints
  • Reduce falls among older adults
  • Lead to fewer hospitalizations, physician visits and medications

Initiating proper exercise and healthy eating will encourage physical wellness, which allows you to carry out your ministry to the fullest potential.


When it comes to your brain, the old adage of “use it or lose it” might actually be true. Evidence shows that individuals who continue to engage in stimulating mental activities throughout their adult life show fewer, less severe signs of age-related memory loss. Participation in activities like working crossword puzzles, reading newspapers, playing games and going to museums are even believed to lower an individual’s risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease.2

The same study suggests that the more formal education a person has, the better their memory and mental functions are, even when plaques associated with Alzheimer’s are present in the brain. Exercising your brain’s processing capacity will keep you mentally tough and aware to handle life’s circumstances.


Just like physical muscles, spiritual muscles need regular exercise to stay healthy.

  • Read the Bible daily. To enjoy a well-balanced, fulfilled spiritual life, we must search the Scriptures. “…they received the word with eagerness and searched the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. (Acts 17:11b, CSB) Reminding yourself of the truth of God’s Word will give you strength and guidance to fulfill your calling.
  • Pray constantly. In the hustle and bustle of your life, be sure that you do not neglect to spend time talking and listening to God. The Bible tells us to “Rejoice always, pray constantly, give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, CSB) Practicing gratitude in your communication with God is crucial to developing a relationship with Him.
  • Serve others.For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10, CSB) Whether it’s praying for the needs of others, teaching a Sunday school class, visiting someone who’s lonely or any number of other areas of service, somewhere there’s a need that only you can fill. Look for and take advantage of opportunities to do good.

Learn more about how we advocate for your wellness and resilience at


1Centers for Disease Control
2Alzheimer’s Association, 2021