Susie Adams' Story: Blessed Beyond Measure

2022-09-27 Article: Blessed Beyond Measure, Susie Adams' Story

With many years of seeing faithful pastors and staff leave churches (by their choice or others’) and struggle to find housing and basic essentials, Pastor Russell Adams and his wife Susie were always avid supporters of Mission:Dignity®. When it was suggested to Susie that she contact the ministry after Russell passed away, she said, “No, thanks. I would not need it.” But, she was not okay. “Yes, I had a home, vehicles and what I felt would be adequate income. Yet, mounting medical bills, excessive burial costs and adjusted income would take its toll,” says Susie.

Mission:Dignity stepped in and helped Susie with final expenses at the funeral home and hospital, as well as unexpected major vehicle repairs. The monthly check allows her to maintain years of life-long fellowships by continuing to attend conferences and events. Thanks to the extra help, Susie can stay in her own home, continue writing books and articles and send out a monthly newsletter ( Today, Susie is working on the story of her and Russell’s life together, entitled “The Rebel and Preacher Man.”

“It’s extremely difficult without my encouraging hubby by my side,” she says. Russell pastored churches in Missouri, Oklahoma and California from the early 60s until 2000 when he “retired.” By year’s end, he was called as Director of Missions (DOM) of Dallas County, Missouri, where he served 21 years until he was called home in 2021 at 95 years old.

When the new DOM planned his first pastor/wife event, he graciously asked Susie to speak to the wives about Mission:Dignity. As a result, one church began a pennies collection in their Sunday school classes. At least one other congregation will be budgeting or collecting annually for the ministry. In addition, God gave Susie the opportunity to encourage several widows and retirees to contact Mission Dignity for needed support. “God has blessed me beyond measure,” Susie says, “and I hope this truth comes across: GuideStone Mission Dignity is definitely a God-ordained ministry.”

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