One Active Shooter Too Many: Why a Church Active Shooter Plan is Imperative


Tragedy can strike in an instant, as it did in 2017 at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. What began as a typical morning of worship was interrupted by the unexpected sound of gunshots, claiming the souls of 26 people, ranging from a pregnant woman and her unborn child to a 77-year-old,1 plus 22 injured victims.2

The church is not exempt from attacks. The U.S. Department of Justice reports an increase in hate crimes related to religion, accounting for more than 17% of all hate crimes.3 Of all the days of the week, Sunday has the highest number of active shooter incidents, according to the FBI.4 As difficult as it is to think about, churches must be prepared to formulate a plan, identify warning signs and defend against potential attacks. A three-part church active shooter plan is essential for keeping your people safe:

  1. Develop
  2. Discern
  3. Defend
1. Develop a Plan

There’s little time to think and react in an attack, so preparing for the unthinkable is critical. A well-developed plan minimizes risk and helps you respond more calmly under pressure.

Form a Security Team

Forming a well-rounded security team allows you to leverage the strengths of each member. Delegate tasks according to each person’s skill to reinforce the team’s effectiveness.

  • A member of law enforcement can lend their expertise in security, procedures, drills and identifying exits.
  • A member of the medical community can provide basic first-aid training to administer in the event of an incident.
  • Someone skilled in technology can run video surveillance equipment.
  • Those with strong leadership abilities can help direct meetings, recruit team members, communicate information and oversee progress.
  • Someone with administration experience can help plan meetings, develop documents, record team updates and note incidents.
  • Observant members of your congregation can act as greeters or monitor parking lots to screen for suspicious activity.
Keep Your Team Sharp

Once the team is formed, be diligent to stay sharp. Thoroughly train together, stay engaged with your purpose and continually be alert to threats.

  • Assess threats. Work with local law enforcement and church security and risk management experts to assess the threats to your ministry.
  • Train well and often. Make sure all team members completely understand the team’s goals, plus their individual tasks. Repeat training regularly to refresh procedures and grow awareness for any new potential threats. Attend professional active shooter training for churches or bring in an expert to conduct training for your team.
  • Perform drills. An unrehearsed plan on paper may easily fall apart during an actual attack. Fully implement all your plan’s elements, and ensure critical players perform drills regularly. Adjust for any gaps and challenges that are revealed in an exercise. Make sure the congregation knows their parts, too. Otherwise, panic can take over in crises.
  • Review annually. Keep your plan updated to address new or changing threats. Also, evaluate if changes are needed in team roles or responsibilities.
2. Discern Suspicious Behavior

Once the plan and team are established, put them into action week after week to discern suspicious behavior and identify problems before they turn disastrous.

Know the Warning Signs of Potential Violence

The Sandy Hook Promise organization identifies warning signs for individuals who may need help,5 which include:

  • Suddenly pulling away from friends, family and activities
  • Bullying targeted toward religious differences
  • Bragging about access to weapons, including guns
  • Being quick to anger or displaying excessive irritability
  • Voicing thoughts about hurting themselves or someone else
Investigate Unusual Behavior

Be on the lookout for suspicious behavior at your church property, during church services and when there’s no scheduled activity. Suspicious behaviors on their own may not indicate that someone is potentially violent but could be red flags, including:

  • Bulky clothing on a hot day, frequent adjustments to clothing or hands in pockets:6 This can indicate that someone may be concealing a weapon.
  • Signs of discomfort:6 Nervousness, continually looking around or asking paranoid questions can be warning signs.
  • Property surveillance:7 If someone shows an unusual interest in your facilities or repeatedly drives by or parks near your church for a long time without explanation, they could be monitoring security and schedules.
3. Defend Against Attacks

Planning for a mass shooting is one thing — responding to an actual attack is another. While no one should have to endure such a trauma, it’s imperative to know how to defend yourself and your church.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends what to do in an active shooter situation:8

  • Seek safety as a priority and call 9-1-1 when it’s safe.
  • Hide and keep silent if you can’t escape.
  • Fight as a last resort.
  • Help the wounded after taking care of yourself first.
Is your church vulnerable to risk?

Implementing a church active shooter plan can help keep your church doors open and your congregation secure. Get more helpful tips in our church safety and security videos and resources. Unfortunately, an active shooter isn’t the only threat to your church. Attacks on religious freedom, employee liability and property damage are all risks, but you’re not alone.

At GuideStone®, the heart of our mission has always been serving those who serve the Lord®. We come alongside you with risk management solutions for every season of your ministry. For a risk assessment or more information, contact us at or (214) 720-2868, Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT and Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Readers should use this article as a tool, along with best judgment and any terms or conditions that apply, to determine appropriate policies and procedures for your church’s risk management program.