A Faith-Based Approach to Church Risk Management


Planning events, preparing sermons, meeting with members, recruiting volunteers, paying staff and scheduling building maintenance — these activities are likely a familiar part of your day-to-day tasks. Daily duties can become so routine that it’s easy to lose sight of potential risk exposure that could damage your ministry without the protection of church risk management.

Why Organizational Risk Management Matters

Embezzlement, a broken leg at VBS and a missed felony in a volunteer’s past pose costly incidents — both to your ministry’s finances and reputation. Instead, protect your most valuable assets by identifying potential risks and putting safeguards in place.

A faith-based approach to risk management is centered around faithful stewardship in three areas: people, property and mission.

People — The Hands and Feet of Your Ministry

Staff, volunteers and members keep ministries running, serve those in need and advance the Kingdom of God. Every person involved contributes in their own way with a unique gift.

Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another. Romans 12:4-5 (CSB)

Protecting individuals empowers them to continue serving faithfully.

When it comes to church risk management for people, it is essential to cover employees, volunteers and those who participate in services and activities.

  • Employees: Consider what would happen if an employee injured their back after slipping in a wet hallway or twisted their knee while setting up chairs in the sanctuary. Fulfilling your legal obligation to offer workers’ compensation helps pay for medical, disability and rehab for work-related injuries and illnesses. Also, it would guard your employees in the event of a lawsuit with liability insurance. If someone files a lawsuit against a staff member, they’ll have legal representation for their defense.
  • Volunteers: It’s common for volunteers to welcome people into their homes once a week for Bible studies organized by the church. If a guest falls and breaks their arm, liability insurance, including medical payments coverage, offers the volunteer protection from having to pay medical bills. This safeguard frees volunteers to keep their doors open for fellowship without exposing themselves to potential financial responsibility in the event of an accident or injury.
  • Members: Who’s responsible for medical bills if youth group members suffer minor injuries in a church van accident on their way to a weekend camp? What happens when someone’s luggage is lost on a mission trip? Having proper insurance coverage shields these members in the event of injury or loss.

These are just a few of the ways to protect the people of your ministry. Liability insurance covers additional incidents to empower faithful servants to fulfill what they’re called to do.

Property — Your Ministry’s Gathering Place

Church property provides a safe, welcoming place for people to gather, worship, study and serve. Most church activities and functions would cease without a dedicated place to gather. Protect your property to preserve your cherished meeting place and all that happens inside your doors.

It’s possible to avoid many catastrophes with simple prevention. Do you follow a regular maintenance schedule to ensure that fire safety systems work, heating and air conditioning units function and the roof is free from leaks? Regular maintenance helps equipment run at peak performance so it lasts longer and saves money associated with replacement costs.

Natural disasters, vandalism and theft are additional areas of property risk management. Whether a tornado destroys the roof, a vandal spray paints graffiti across the front doors or a thief steals valuable video equipment, you can protect your ministry from expensive repairs and replacement with property insurance for churches.

Mission — Your Calling from the Lord

Your mission is at the heart of your ministry — it’s the compass that guides your plans, goals and activities. It should be protected. Guard your ministry’s reach and reputation by assessing, reducing and managing potential risk.

Your mission also includes your personal ability to fulfill your calling. How much time could you dedicate to your purpose if a lawsuit was filed against your church or you discovered significant fund embezzlement from a staff member? Take preventive measures and ensure you have the right liability coverage so you can focus on your calling instead of costly, time-consuming incidents.

Establish Strong Protection with Diligent Stewardship

When the unexpected happens, your people, property and mission can be guarded thanks to careful planning. At GuideStone®, we walk alongside you to ensure thorough church risk management.

We take your whole picture into account to help you strategically select the right insurance coverage to prevent massive claim expenses from devastating your church and mission. Even as your circumstances and needs change, we help you cultivate resilience so you can start well, stay well and finish well. For more information, contact us at PCSalesSupport@GuideStone.org or (214) 720-2868, Monday through Thursday, from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT and Friday, from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.

This article is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be construed as legal advice. Readers should use this article as a tool, along with best judgment and any terms or conditions that apply, to determine appropriate policies and procedures for your church's risk management program.

This GuideStone content was originally published at Baptist21.com.