10 Quick, Financial Tips Built into a Long-Term Saving Strategy


Retirement can seem far away, so you may feel like there is still plenty of time to prepare — someday. But since what you save today will become what you will live on tomorrow, why not start now?

Establishing and maintaining a long-term strategy through practical saving habits is the best foundation for strong retirement income during your retirement years.

Here are 10 practical saving tips.

  1. Set and keep a budget. Setting a budget now will set up boundaries and habits that should carry over into your current lifestyle and retirement years.
  2. Write down specific savings goals. How much do you want (or need) when your retirement years begin? Use our Retirement Income Calculator to help develop a saving strategy amongst our other calculator options.
  3. Set up a retirement account if you haven’t already. To help you with your financial objectives, GuideStone® offers:
  4. Employer-sponsored plans (403(b), 401(k), etc.)
  5. Investment accounts
  6. Traditional and Roth Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)
  7. Evaluate your contribution type. Is tax-sheltered or Roth best for you? If you’re a Minister for Tax Purposes, consider this specialized comparison chart, as housing allowance should also be a consideration for you.
  8. Ask if your employer has employer contributions and — better yet — employer matching contributions. Don’t say no to free money!
  9. Now that you’ve decided on a contribution type and evaluated if your employer provides contributions, set aside monthly amounts as retirement savings from your salary. Even 5% per paycheck will add up over time. You can accomplish this by returning a Retirement Contribution Agreement to your employer.
  10. Commit to annual contribution increases. Whether you increase your savings percentage when you receive a pay raise, bonus or promotion or just by way of an annual calendar reminder, you’ll be doing your future self a favor.
  11. Designate your beneficiary. In the event that something happens to you, it’s important that your loved ones have a smooth transition of financial ownership.
  12. Periodically review your investments. GuideStone offers various resources and tools to make sure you’re on the right track. You may also always speak with a customer solutions specialist as well.
  13. Begin preparing a retirement withdrawal strategy. It’s critical to determine an appropriate level of withdrawals to sustain your income during your retirement years. Go through MyGuideStone® to help you start evaluating projected effects of your own retirement income.

For more tips and timely information, follow us @GuideStone.

If you have further questions, contact a customer solutions specialist at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433) Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT.