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Thumbnail picture of Seth Hawkins discussing what it means to be a Minister for Tax Purposes.
Video • 7/26/2024
What Does It Mean to be a Minister for Tax Purposes?
As a minister, you have a unique job and calling on your life. Your tax situation is also unique, and understanding how to navigate your tax status as a minister sets you on the right course to making informed financial decisions.
How Does Being a "Minister for Tax Purposes" Impact the Way I Report and Pay Taxes?
Video • 6/18/2024
How Does Being a “Minister for Tax Purposes” Impact the Way I Report and Pay Taxes?
Unlike most other professions, Ministers for Tax Purposes have a dual tax status. This means for income tax purposes, the IRS classifies most ministers working for a church as employees and they should receive a W-2 from their employer annually.
What is Minister's Housing Allowance?
Video • 5/14/2024
What is Minister's Housing Allowance?
Minister’s housing allowance is arguably the most important tax benefit available to ministers, allowing them to exclude housing expenses from their ministerial income, before and after retirement.
Lump Sum vs. Salary-and-Benefits
Video • 4/23/2024
What is the difference between the lump sum “package” approach and a salary-and- benefits approach?
A church that takes the time to properly structure a minister’s compensation and benefits is practicing good stewardship which can make a huge difference in the current financial life — and financial future — of a pastor.
Thumbnail picture of Impacting Investing video
Impact Investing
As Christians, we are called by Christ to be the salt and light of the world (Matthew 5:13-16). As Christian investors, we see Kingdom impact investing as an opportunity to be salt and light. Learn more about our impact investing strategies in this short video.

For Investment professional and Institutional Investor use only.
Opting Out of Social Security
Video • 3/27/2024
Opting Out of Social Security
Social Security is the bedrock and foundation of a solid financial plan for your retirement. Without this extremely important benefit, you will need to contribute more to your retirement plan and purchase adequate levels of disability and life insurance to provide for benefits you and your family will forfeit.
How Do I Steward a Reasonable, Yet Market-based Pastor Salary?
Video • 2/6/2024
How Do I Steward a Reasonable, Yet Market-based Pastor Salary?
When pastors answer the call to ministry, it’s usually not with the expectation of major financial gain. But that doesn’t mean they should be expected to live on a wage that doesn’t meet their needs. Unfortunately, pastor pay has remained almost completely flat in recent years, while at the same time, inflation has continued to climb.
Using Insurance Coverage to Protect Pastor and Church
Video • 1/16/2024
Using Insurance Coverage to Protect Your Pastor and Church
Insurance may not be the most exciting line item on a ministry budget, but it can protect your church from catastrophic financial losses and help sustain the long-term well-being of your ministry. Church buildings can experience severe weather damage, and employees may receive life-altering diagnoses. Are you prepared if it happens to you?
Opting Out of Social Security
Top 5 Need-to-Know Health Plan Terms
When looking for a health plan that meets your needs, you will face many insurance terms and phrases along the way, and it’s often hard to keep them straight. At GuideStone®, our goal is to equip you with the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your family.