Impact Investing


Eight out of ten Americans say their personal values play an important role in how they manage their finances.

Today, more and more investors want to know that their investments are making a positive difference in the world around them – not just in their portfolios’ returns.

Honor the Lord with your possessions
and with the first produce of your entire harvest…
Proverbs 3:9, CSB

At GuideStone, we believe in investing to advance kingdom impact.

For decades, we have been one of the leaders of faith-based investing.

Over fifty years ago, we established our Exclusionary Screening policy that still stands today.

And through our Corporate Engagement program, we actively encourage companies to adopt more Christ-honoring business practices.

But we believe that Christians may have a unique opportunity to engage the world and make a difference for the Kingdom of God with our financial resources through Impact Investing.

Impact Investing invests in companies and organizations actively striving to make a difference in the world through their products and services.

When it is in your power,
don’t withhold good from the one to whom it belongs.
Proverbs 3:27, CSB

At GuideStone, we’ve created Impact Investing strategies that should uphold the Christian values we’ve always held, while focusing on our three Impact Themes:

  • The Sanctity of Life and Spreading the Gospel
  • Human Dignity and Advancement
  • And the Stewardship of God’s Creation.

Our strategies invest in endeavors that should:

  • Protect life, enhance living conditions and proclaim the Gospel
  • Improve health care and provide advancements in technology, education and employment training
  • Enhance the efficiency and accessibility of life-sustaining resources such as water and land

For more than 100 years, GuideStone has been serving Christians in building a more secure financial future.

Now through Impact Investing, investors have the opportunity to be more proactive in aligning their investment dollars with their faith by partnering with us to advance Kingdom impact.

For more information on Impact Investing, contact your GuideStone Advisor Consultant.

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You should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the GuideStone Funds® before investing. A prospectus with this and other information about the Funds may be obtained by calling 1-888-GS-FUNDS (1-888-473-8637) or downloading one. It should be read carefully before investing.

Investing involves risk, including the potential loss of principal. The Funds may experience negative performance, and past performance does not guarantee future results. There can be no guarantee that any strategy (risk management or otherwise) will be successful.

Impact Investing — The Funds’ impact investing criteria could cause the fund to perform differently compared to funds that do not apply such criteria. Successful application of the Funds’ impact investing strategy will depend upon the Adviser’s and each sub-adviser’s skill in properly identifying and analyzing impact investing issues. Investments made may not generate the amount of positive impact that was intended when the investment was made.