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A woman with dental insurance gets her teeth examined by a dentist.
Article • 8/27/2024
What is dental insurance?
Dental insurance can help pay for dental care, such as fillings and cleanings. Get answers to commonly asked questions about dental insurance.
Picture from the perspective of being behind a person in a wheelchair as they push their wheels.
Article • 8/26/2024
7 Disability Facts to Debunk Common Misconceptions
Disability statistics reveal costly risks. Learn the common causes of disability, average disability income and other facts that impact your risk.
A health care provider smiles at her patient as they discuss health insurance in an exam room.
Article • 8/22/2024
What is health insurance and how should I select a plan?
Health insurance helps pay for qualified health care services, equipment and prescription medications. Discover how to maximize benefits and minimize costs.
A church pastor follows a church social media policy as he records a video from his office.
Article • 8/19/2024
Ministry-Informed Guide for a Church Social Media Policy
Looking to grow connections and expand your ministry through social media? Set goals and mitigate risks with a church social media policy.
Two men sit together with open Bibles as they discuss church risk management.
Article • 8/19/2024
Start Well by Guarding Your Ministry with Church Risk Management
It is critical to consider church risk management now to guard the future of your ministry. Learn to identify and mitigate risks.
An open Bible on a table in front of a wall-sized map of the world
Article • 8/8/2024
What is Christian-values screening?
Discover how the GuideStone® Christian-values screening process can help align your faith with your finances.
A man gets his blood pressure taken as part of preventive care services.
Article • 8/7/2024
The Importance of Preventive Care: Four Advantages for Your Health and Budget
Regular checkups and screenings provide early detection of health conditions. Explore four health and financial advantages of preventive care.
A stethoscope and health insurance paperwork.
Article • 8/6/2024
Health Insurance 101: Know More to Spend Less
Understanding health plan components, such as deductible and co-insurance, can empower money savings. Learn how to reduce health care costs.
Two men shake hands at a church job interview.
Article • 8/6/2024
What You Need to Know About Church Recruitment Before Conducting Your Next Interview
From belief statements to job descriptions and ministerial exceptions, find out how church recruitment differs from the secular world. Plus, find helpful resources.