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A man prepares a healthy smoothie to help manage his weight.
Article • 9/25/2024
How to Manage Your Weight for Life
Perfection isn't the goal of weight management — progress is. Find ways to make healthier choices in everyday life.
A man bikes with a friend to reach his fitness goals.
Article • 9/25/2024
Setting Attainable Fitness Goals
Setting realistic goals can help incorporate physical wellness into your routine. Find five tips for setting reasonable fitness goals that fit your busy schedule.
A smiling young couple sitting together on the floor viewing a laptop
Article • 9/25/2024
Three Strategies for Winning Your Financial Freedom from Debt
Discover how to break free from debt through these simple strategies.
A church administrator reviews paperwork and his laptop as he implements a segregation of duties for church finances.
Article • 9/25/2024
Segregation of Duties Checklist to Protect Church Finances
Splitting financial responsibilities reduces opportunities for fraud and uncovers inconsistencies. Implement segregation of duties to protect your church.
A man studying a computer screen with pen and paper in hand
Article • 9/18/2024
Making Ends Meet for Ministers
Discover four tips for ministers to help make ends meet each month
Using a calculator and looking at paperwork
Article • 9/18/2024
Should I Switch to Roth?
Should your retirement contributions be pretax or Roth?
Graphic with title "Wellness Challenge Body Mind Spirit"
Article • 9/16/2024
The GuideStone Wellness Challenge: Body, Mind and Spirit
Build healthy habits for your mind, body and spirit with GuideStone’s wellness challenge. Gradually increase positive activities to promote your well-being.
The exterior of a small church that has property and casualty insurance.
Article • 9/13/2024
Admitted vs. Non-Admitted Insurance Carriers: Here’s the Difference
What’s the difference between admitted and non-admitted insurance carriers? Learn what sets them apart and evaluate the pros and cons based on your unique needs.
A server brings a healthy dish to the table in a restaurant.
Article • 9/12/2024
How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out: 10 Culinary Clues
Is it possible to make healthy choices when eating out? Follow 10 quick tips to control portions, reduce calories and maximize nutrition.