SBC Church Benefits

The Church Retirement Plan

403(b)(9) Retirement Plan for Southern Baptist Churches

Prepare for your retirement years with our Southern Baptist retirement plan designed for ministers and any employee receiving W-2 taxable income.

Widespread Eligibility

The plan is open to anyone who receives W-2 taxable income from a Southern Baptist church, church-related school or association, including full- or part-time ministers, office personnel, musicians, church-school teachers or any other staff member.

Potential Tax Benefits

All earnings on contributions and rollovers are tax-deferred. Below are additional tax benefits that may be available to you:

  • Ministers may be able to designate retirement benefits as a tax-free minister’s housing allowance within legal limits.
  • Employer contributions are not subject to Social Security or income tax at the time of contribution.
  • Tax-sheltered participant contributions are not subject to income tax until distributed.
  • Tax-sheltered participant contributions by ministers are not subject to Social Security tax.
  • Earnings on Roth elective deferral contributions can be withdrawn tax-free if conditions are met.
Exclusive State Convention Benefits

When you enroll, you may be eligible for additional benefits at no cost from your Baptist state convention and GuideStone:

  • Disability benefit (up to $500 per month)
  • Survivor protection benefit (up to $100,000)
  • Discretionary retirement contribution

Benefits may vary depending on the convention. Convention benefits are evaluated on an annual basis by your State Convention . Please note that:

  • To receive credit for survivor or disability benefits, you or your church must make a minimum retirement contribution of at least $50 per month.
  • To receive a disability income benefit, you must be approved for disability before age 65, and payout periods are limited to 60 months.
35 and under
71 and over

*Eligible participants earn 1/12 of the value of these benefits for each month of participation in the Church Retirement Plan in the 12 months immediately preceding your death or disability.

To see what you’re eligible for, please contact us by calling 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT.

Retirement Contribution Updates

After enrollment, if you wish to adjust your monthly contribution amount, complete a Retirement Contribution Agreement and return it to your church administrator to update your savings amount.
