
Ministry benefits created with Converge in mind.


Ministry benefits created with Converge in mind.

We understand your ministry.
We understand employee benefits.
And we share your passion for the Gospel.

That’s why Converge and GuideStone® have teamed up to support your calling and offer faith-based retirement uniquely designed for your ministry.

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GuideStone offers comprehensive solutions designed to provide support, guidance and protection. Explore our offerings below.

Why the Converge Retirement Plan through GuideStone?

The Converge Retirement Plan has helped Converge pastors, church staff and commissioned missionaries plan for their future and build added financial security for retirement. Unlike other plans, participants enjoy the benefit of lifetime income through a pension, continued housing allowance (even in retirement) and a defined contribution plan to build additional savings.

Converge has partnered with GuideStone to provide administrative services to the Converge Retirement Plan as well as offer faith-based investments for the defined contribution plan.

For more than 100 years, the heart of GuideStone's mission has always been serving those who serve the lord by serving over 250,000 members and 20,000 ministry partners, GuideStone provides retirement plans customized to help employees reach their individual financial goals.

Faith-based Investment Options: GuideStone has investment strategies that align with your Christian values.

Ministers’ Tax Benefits: The Converge Retirement Plan designates distributions as housing allowance in retirement for employees who qualify as Ministers for Tax Purposes.

Personalized Services: GuideStone's team of personal financial advisors is available to deliver customized advice to members — including asset allocation, contribution planning, gap analysis, Social Security maximization and more. Plus, GuideStone's Customer Solutions department of trained specialists is also available by phone or email Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. CT to assist you in secure, knowledgeable conversations.

Targeted Educational Resources: Access informative and timely employee resources. Employees can find personalized tools in their MyGuideStone® accounts.

Ministerial Resources

Who is eligible?
  • All U.S. churches in the Converge denomination are eligible to participate in the Converge Retirement Plan.
  • Eligible employees must be at least 23 years old and paid to work at least 1,000 per year.
What types of costs are associated with the retirement plan?
  • There are no costs to the church to establish the retirement plan.
  • There is a comprehensive plan servicing assessed to the employee for the defined contribution portion of the plan. The fee will be assessed quarterly for 1.5 bps (or 0.015%) of the employee’s account balance. For example, if the employee’s account balance at the end of a quarter is $1,000, a fee of approximately $0.15 will be deducted from the employee’s account. 
What kind of contributions can be made?
  • Each church must contribute at least 6% of each participant’s compensation towards the participant’s retirement. The contributions can be made to the defined benefit (DB) plan and/or the defined contribution (DC) plan, but the combined Employer Contribution must be at least 6%.
  • If utilizing the DB plan (the pension plan), there is a required 3-6% employer contribution. Utilizing the DB plan, however, is optional as all 6% of the employer contribution may be directed to the DC plan.
  • If employer contributions to the DB plan are less than 6%, the DC plan requires additional employer contributions up to 6%. Employer contributions to the DC plan may be more than 6%.
  • Employees wishing to supplement their retirement savings may make salary-reduced contributions to the DC plan. These can be made as tax-sheltered, Roth or After-Tax Contributions.
What do standard plan provisions include?
Pension Plan:
  • Contributions are optional in the DB plan. The plan allows a minimum of 3% up to a maximum of 6% of compensation as an employer contribution.
  • 100% vesting on the employer contributions regardless of years of service
  • Distribution options include single life or joint life pension annuities
  • Housing allowance for retired ministers (within IRS limits)
Defined Contribution Plan:
  • Employer and employee contributions are allowed in the plan.
  • If employer contributions to the DB plan are less than 6%, the DC plan requires additional employer contributions up to 6%. Employer contributions to the DC plan may be more than 6%.






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Advisory services offered through GuideStone Advisors®, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. GuideStone Advisors is a controlled affiliate of GuideStone Financial Resources®. For more information about the firm, products and services, please review the GuideStone Affiliate Form CRS.